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Non-equivalent lexicon in modern English

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    18.03.2014 г.
  • Объем работы:
    82 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Introduction 3
    Chapter I. Theoretical principles of non-equivalence in translation 5
    1.1. Language and national identity as a reason of cultural untranslatability 5
    1.2. The concept of lexical gap 10
    1.3. Non-equivalent lexicon and its classification 15
    Chapter II. Peculiarity of translation of non-equivalent lexicon 22
    2.1. Application area of non-equivalent lexicon 22
    2.2. Methods of translation of non-equivalent lexicon 27
    2.3. Characteristic of translation of realia 31
    Chapter III. Use of different translation techniques on example of English-Russian translation 34
    3.1. Comparative characteristics of translation methods 34
    3.2. Translation in economic discourse 45
    Conclusion 66
    Bibliography 68
    Appendix 73

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Non-equivalent lexicon in modern English
    It is known that in every developed language there are lexical unites which are typical only to this language and consequently are absent in the other language. Such lexical units are more often the names of objects and phenomena which are typical for the definite culture. They haven’t any analogues in other languages. In the modern English language there are a lot of non-equivalent lexical units which we are analyzing in the present paper. As non-equivalent lexicon has very interesting specification and cultural coloration, the theme of the present paper is very actual today.
    In connection with the above we can affirm the topicality of our investigation.
    The topicality of our investigation defines the aim and the tasks of our work.
    The aim of our investigation is analysis of non-equivalent lexicon in modern English.
    The tasks of our work are:
    1. To study language and national identity as a reason of cultural untranslatability;
    2. To examine the concept of lexical gap;
    3. To characterize non-equivalent lexicon and its classification;
    4. To study application area of non-equivalent lexicon;
    5. To examine main methods of translation of non-equivalent lexicon and characteristic of translation of realia;
    6. To make analysis of comparative characteristics of translation methods;
    7. To investigate translation in economic discourse.
    1.2. The concept of lexical gap
    It is known that every lexical unit in the language serves to a definite semantic need in this language. Besides, lexical unit can have some position in the language, for instance, it can refer to the sense relations, collocations idioms, etc. Consequently, people use the definite lexical unit only when they need it. And in some cases this or that lexicon can refer to particular object of human life which is especially cultural and doesn’t exist in other languages. The absence of lexical units in the target language in the process of translation is known in linguistic sciences as lexical gaps.
    In the scientific literature notion “lexical gap” can be used in synonymous equivalents: for example, “lexical hole” or “lacuna”. However, the term “lexical gap” is more often used than others. That’s why in the present paper we will investigate the essence of lexical gap and its influence into the problem of translatability and untranslatability.

    According to the aim and the tasks, in the present investigation we have conducted a research of translation of non-equivalent lexicon on the material of economic non-equivalent lexical units. Non-equivalent lexicon represents lexical units of a language with cultural connotation which is not used in other culture. Non-equivalent lexicon includes localisms, exoticisms, barbarisms, ethnographisms, alien words and lacunas. Non-equivalent lexicon of the economic application area has peculiar characteristics such as polemics, stylistic coloring and genre mixture.
    In the process of translation of non-equivalent lexicon we can observe great problems as the main task of translator by transmission of realias is not only the transmission of its meaning, but also the transmission of its cultural specification. Having examined different aspects of translation of non-equivalent lexicon, we have come to a conclusion that the main translation techniques in this sphere are transcription and transliteration, calquing, functional analogue, description, transformational translation, neutralization and omission. The transmission of cultural connotation of realias implies the overcoming of linguistic barrier and its linguistic and extralinguistic factors.
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