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Работа по курсу семинаров на английском языке

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    03.12.2017 г.
  • Объем работы:
    21 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Table of Contents
    Introduction 3
    1. The essence of future ethnographic research 5
    2. Necessary data 7
    3. The shape of the research 9
    4. Applicable theoretical ideas 10
    4.1. Anthropology and ethnography 10
    4.2. Аctor-network theory 11
    4.3. Place of language in the research 14
    5. Visualization of the research 16
    Conclusion 19
    References 20

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Работа по курсу семинаров на английском языке
    Social anthropology, being an interdisciplinary science, is a fairly complex and multifaceted phenomenon that must be considered holistically, as well as those features that this science studies. Not only links with knowledge of man and human society, the laws of development and cultural diversity, but also the availability of various interpretations of its basic concepts in different traditions (USA, Great Britain, Germany, and France (Kuklik, 2009)) make it multi-faceted.
    These provisions can be traced in the materials presented at the seminars, which, on the one hand, reflect the complexity of this scientific discipline, on the other, the ongoing debates on the issues of its conceptual apparatus.
    Within the framework of these materials, ethnography, the science of people-ethnic groups and formations, their origin, composition, settlement, cultural and household characteristics, as well as their material and spiritual culture, have come to the forefront. Social and cultural anthropology were built around it. The fact that ethnography is also the tool for studying phenomena on an ongoing basis and mapping obtained results in the course of field research graphically or in writing (Philipsen, 1992) also leads to certain confusion in understanding the essence of the discipline.
    1. The essence of future ethnographic research
    The choice of the research topic is not accidental: in Russia there is a certain personnel problem in the field of education. It is connected, as many specialists think, with the motivation of teaching staff.
    In modern market conditions traditional methods of persuasion and coercion in the management of the organization, including the educational one, work ineffectively. On the one hand, this is due to a higher level of training specialists (professionals in a certain field who are able to change types of activity are in demand), on the other hand, there is more complex motivation of their work. As a result, in any organization there is a need to implement an effective staff motivation system. However, it faces various restrictions, the main of which is low salary.
    Additional difficulty is the teacher as the object of management, because in comparison with other professional groups he has higher level of education and culture, and more complex specificity of work.
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