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Задания на английском языке

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    25.06.2023 г.
  • Объем работы:
    25 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Week 1
    Task 1 - Discussion Forum on Marketing Strategies and Positioning
    Task: Discussion Forum on Marketing Strategies and Positioning
    It is possible to position people, places, and ideas just as effectively as products and services. Explain how each of the following have attempted to position themselves and relate strategies that you think have been used, critiquing the effectiveness of each:
    § Your university or college
    § A political candidate
    § An entertainment facility (such as a theme park)
    § A local shopping mall (or large retail-store)
    § The right-to-life movement
    § MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
    Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
    Length: in an approximately 500-word response (+/- 10%), address the aforementioned questions in the discussion board.
    Week 2
    Task 1 - Discussion Forum on Proposition and Branding decision
    Task: Discussion Forum on Proposition and Branding decision
    Please answer the below questions, and create a perceptual map:
    A. You want to buy a new laptop
    1. What are the criteria upon which you want to evaluate the alternatives in the market (e.g., product attributes, values or benefits)?
    2. Rate these criteria from ‘most important to ‘least important in your buying decision.
    3. What are the competing brands (e.g., Apple, HP, Acer etc)?

    Individually create a Perceptual Map of these brands as you plot them from highest/best to lowest/worst for the two most important criteria identified previously (2).
    Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
    Length: in an approximately 500-word response (+/- 10%), address the aforementioned questions in the discussion board.
    Task 2: Discussion Forum on Aston Martin Case Study
    Task 2: Discussion Forum on Aston Martin Case Study
    For this task, you are requested to watch the video (follow URL) found in this week material (Video – Aston Martin), read the below information and answer the following questions.
    How should Aston Martin go about raising brand awareness and brand familiarity in China – an important emerging market?

    It is fairly widely known that perceptions of poor production quality have haunted Chinese products for years. Historically, China has not been considered a top choice for product origin. In 1994, Chinese entrepreneur David Tang decided to challenge this perception, and established the Hong-Kong based Shanghai-Tang company, with the goal of fusing traditional Chinese fashion with more contemporary style. In addition to fashion, the store also offered homeware items. In Tang’s own words, Shanghai Tang’s aim was to ‘create the first global Chinese lifestyle brand by revitalizing Chinese designs - interweaving traditional Chinese culture with the dynamism of the modern life’. In the late 1990s, its first store was opened on Madison Avenue, New York, but less than two years later the store was closed. A few years later, the brand opened a new, smaller-scale store on Madison Avenue, but the brand again failed to gain momentum until new creative director Joanne Ooi joined the company. Ooi’s role was to re-invent the brand and revitalize the image. The new line of products implemented under Ooi’s direction were much more contemporary and sleek creations, and its evident success triggered the opening of more stores in Zurich, Tokyo, Bangkok, Milan, and Beijing. By taking inspiration from art, and history books, and interpreting calligraphy and other traditional patterns into her designs, the designer cemented the brand’s identity in Chinese cultures, whilst introducing creative new lines each season. One of the collections, for example, was inspired by Mongolian nomads.
    From the beginning, Shanghai Tang sought to follow the tradition of lifestyle luxury brands such as Prada, Armani and Gucci. As a result, carried the brand under its umbrella.
    Conduct your own research into the brand and discuss the following:
    • What might have been the initial reason for Shanghai Tang’s failure, from a branding perspective?
    • To what extent did the repositioning of the brand help to re-establish its identity?
    • What inherent forces allow Shanghai Tang to establish itself as a luxury lifestyle brand capable of competing in global luxury market?
    • Do you think poor perceptions of ‘Made in China’ still affect Shanghai Tang? Is there any need for rebranding?
    Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
    Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
    Length: in an approximately 500-word response (+/- 10%), address the aforementioned questions in the discussion board.
    Week 3
    Task 1: Individual Written Task
    For this week please submit 700 words individual written assignment by critically analysing the Brand Decisions – Creating New Brand concept.
    Imagine you are embarking on an entrepreneurial venture and you are about to launch your new active-wear and sportswear ranges for a fashion-conscious, urban crowd. Based on the brand-building process model developed by Keller (2009), discuss the necessary steps you need to take in order to make your target audience identify with the new brand you are aiming to build.

    • Create a new brand, and using the Customer-Brand-Equity Pyramid present your new brand idea. Consider the following:
    • How will your target audience form a perception of your brand?
    • What decisions regarding brand creation and communications must marketers manage to build successful brands?

    Further information that will assist you in the development of this week"s tasks is located in the respective week topic overview.
    Reference all sources in line with the requirements of Harvard Referencing.
    Please note: written tasks are important as they are intended as means of providing feedback to help with your summative assessments. This is a good opportunity to receive instructor feedback in the form of commentary.
    Task Length: 700 words
    Task 2: Discussion Forum on Mobile Marketing
    Task 2: Discussion Forum on Mobile Marketing
    Mobile marketing has become an important component of digital marketing campaigns. Assume you are a marketing intern for a local book, comic, and video store. Describe how you could use mobile marketing to drive website visits as well as store visits. Be specific in your ideas.
    Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
    Week 4
    Task 1: Discussion Forum on Social Media goals and channels
    Task 1: Discussion Forum on Social Media goals and channels
    You are a four-star boutique hotel located in a suburb of Chicago. Your main target market is couples (aged 30 to 45) and small weddings (up to 70 guests). Weddings are a new venture for your business.
    Using the business above:
    1. Set up your social media goals under the following categories:
    • Customer service goals
    • Product goals
    • Communication goals
    • Marketing goals
    2. List the social media channels you will use to market the business.
    Note: When deciding what channels to use, consider the target market (gender, age, location) and the type of products and services you are offering.
    Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
    Length: in an approximately 500-word response (+/- 10%), address the aforementioned questions in the discussion board.
    Week 5
    Task 1: Discussion Forum on Marketing Strategy Planning Process
    Task 1: Discussion Forum on Marketing Strategy Planning Process
    You are requested to conduct a SWOT analysis, develop objectives and create a marketing strategy for the university you are actually studying or another one you have been involved in. Use product-market opportunity analysis to describe the various growth strategies the university could use.
    Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
    Length: in an approximately 500-word response (+/- 10%), address the aforementioned questions in the discussion board.
    Week 6
    Task 1: Discussion Forum on Introduction to Ethics, Unethical Behavior in Organizations
    Task: Discussion Forum on Introduction to Ethics, Unethical Behavior in Organizations
    Research one large Organisation such as Apple Code of Conduct and Ethics policies and discuss findings. Specifically, answer the below questions:
    • Which is the ethical values of the organization?
    • Which area is included in the Code of Conduct?
    • Is it possible for Apple/or the relevant selected organization to have a global business ethical practice in a multicultural world?
    Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
    Length: in an approximately 500-word response (+/- 10%), address the aforementioned questions in the discussion board.

    Week 7
    Task 1: Discussion Forum on Sustainability and Supply Chains
    Task 1: Discussion Forum on Sustainability and Supply Chains
    Research and analyze McDonald’s practice on sustainability packaging and plastic schemes. What improvements could you make as a consumer or entry-level marketing practitioner? Be specific in your ideas. Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
    Length: in an approximately 500-word response (+/- 10%), address the aforementioned questions in the discussion board.
    Week 8
    Task 1: Discussion Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility and CSR Strategies
    Task 2: Discussion Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility and CSR Strategies
    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is very important for business activity. Discuss how is CSR reporting potentially related to firm performance. Be specific in your ideas.
    Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
    Length: in an approximately 500-word response (+/- 10%), address the aforementioned questions in the discussion board.
    Task 2: Individual Written Task
    For this week please submit 700 words individual written assignment by critically analysing the below issue.
    You are the marketing manager for a small kitchen appliance firm. In doing product research field tests you discover a design flaw in one of your popular appliances that could be harmful to your customers. However, a product recall would bankrupt your company and cause all of your employees (including yourself) to lose their jobs.
    • Considering the difficulty of this situation, outline a plan to deal with the situation that would be an appropriate response both personally and ethically.
    Further information that will assist you in the development of this week's tasks is located in the respective week topic overview.
    Reference all sources in line with the requirements of Harvard Referencing.
    Please note: written tasks are important as they are intended as means of providing feedback to help with your summative assessments. This is a good opportunity to receive instructor feedback in the form of commentary.
    Task Length: 700 words
    Week 9
    Task 1: Discussion Forum on Human Rights and Greenwashing
    Research whether there are any organisations that have been found guilty of Greenwashing and discuss findings. Be specific in your ideas.
    Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
    Length: in an approximately 500-word response (+/- 10%), address the aforementioned questions in the discussion board.
  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Задания на английском языке
    Week 1
    Task 1 - Discussion Forum on Marketing Strategies and Positioning
    Task: Discussion Forum on Marketing Strategies and Positioning
    It is possible to position people, places, and ideas just as effectively as products and services. Explain how each of the following have attempted to position themselves and relate strategies that you think have been used, critiquing the effectiveness of each:
    § Your university or college
    § A political candidate
    § An entertainment facility (such as a theme park)
    § A local shopping mall (or large retail-store)
    § The right-to-life movement
    § MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving)
    Be sure to support your claims with specific references to the Learning Resources and your prior experience.
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