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Отчет по практике Public-Private Partnership as the possible development strategy of Moscow Lokomotiv football club’

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    28.09.2016 г.
  • Объем работы:
    34 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Introduction 2
    Methods 3
    Theory 4
    1. The notion of strategy 4
    2. Peculiarities of Public-Private Partnership in modern conditions 5
    3. Forms of Public-Private Partnership 6
    4. Public-private partnership in Russia 10
    5. Public-Private Partnership in the area of sport 12
    6. Football as play and business 17
    Analysis 21
    1. Moscow Lokomotiv Football Club 21
    2. Public-Private Partnership as the development strategy of Lokomotiv 27
    Reflections 29
    Conclusion 31
    References 32

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Отчет по практике Public-Private Partnership as the possible development strategy of Moscow Lokomotiv football club’
    The theme of the present work is ‘Public-Private Partnership as the possible development strategy of Moscow Lokomotiv football club’. The topicality of it can be understood through the consideration of the problem background.
    It is based on the primary information: one of the employees of the club responsible for promotion is worried about the reduction of the sponsorship. It makes limitations for the development of the club taking into account that it is not the number one in Russian football. Correspondently, it is rather complex to find new sponsors for making support to the club. Those efforts which are made in advertisement and marketing are not sufficient. The problem is what strategy should be used for the development. Thus the novelty of the current work is explained by the attempt to offer Public-Private Partnership as one of the strategies for developing of Lokomotiv football club.
    As a result of the foregoing, the problem statement is that Public-Private Partnership can be used as one of the strategies for the development of football club. Thus, the key research question is ‘In what way can Public-Private Partnership be applied in order to develop Moscow Lokomotiv football club?’
    The aim of the research is to identify the ways to apply Public-Private Partnership to the development of Lokomotiv club. The study will show the general peculiarities of Public-Private Partnership as a phenomenon and its mechanism action in sports industry. Moreover, it will show its possible application to the needs of football club.
    1. The notion of strategy
    In today"s rapidly changing world competition is constantly increasing. It encourages not only to solve internal problems, but also to adapt to changes in the external environment. These changes indicate that not company size matters, but how quickly it can adapt to new challenges, including new technologies, opportunities, fierce competition, globalization, changes in consumer preferences and other factors. In these circumstances, there is the importance of acquiring effective organization management strategy.
    In general, strategy of the organization is a vision of top management goals and ways to achieve them in a certain period of time. In content, it is a model consisting of a set of actions to achieve the objectives, and in shape it is a list of certain administrative documents. The strategy is based on a number of principles which are reflected in the organizational structure of the enterprise.
    Its effectiveness will be determined by such a set of management actions that will enable the organization to transfer from one state to another with higher performance indicators. Conversely, the control strategy will be ineffective if the changes will not take place, or any crisis or bankruptcy.
    It is noteworthy that sometimes the concept of strategy is wrongly interpreted. As a result, there is a contradiction between the proposed strategy (action plan) and implemented one (the principle of conduct). At the same time, there is another version of events which is absence of management strategy. In this case, the planning activities are carried out without taking into account changes in the external environment, and only on the basis of internal capacity.
    Therefore, effective management of the organization strategy is successfully implemented action plan that allows to get high performance indicators in achieving the goals and to remain a leader in its sector in a competitive environment. That is, the efficiency with respect to the strategy emphasizes the results of its implementation.
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