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Исследование рисков импорта из Китая Российской компании

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    18.04.2018 г.
  • Объем работы:
    110 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Introduction 3
    1. Methodology 8
    2. Advantages and disadvantaged of import supplies from China to Russia. 16
    2.1. China as a source of steel rolling for Russian manufacturers. 16
    2.1.1. General information. 16
    2.1.2. Possible risks. 32
    2.1.3. Variables that can be controlled. 37
    2.2. Russia as an importer of Chinese steel rolling 42
    2.2.1. General information 42
    2.2.2. Possible risks. 53
    2.2.3. Variables that can be controlled. 56
    Summary of the Chapter 2 58
    3. Risk management system in business. 60
    Summary of the Chapter 3 65
    4. Steel rolling import supplies and their impact to Russian business. 67
    Summary of the Chapter 4 70
    5. Ways to improve import of steel products for Stroygarant PF Ltd. 72
    Summary of the Chapter 5 80
    Conclusion 80
    References 82
    Appendices 89

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Исследование рисков импорта из Китая Российской компании
    The topicality of the current study can be considered from the point of view of globalization problem. The latter has become an important real aspect of the modern world system, one of the most influential forces that determine the further course of the development. It affects all areas of public life, including economics, politics, social life, culture, ecology, security, etc.
    Globalization can be understood as a huge increase in the scale of world trade and other processes of international exchange in an increasingly open, integrated, unrecognized world economy. It concerns not only traditional foreign trade in goods and services, but also currency flows, movement of capital, exchange of technologies, information and ideas, and movement of human resources.
    In recent decades, a number of sources of globalization have emerged. Among them there are as follows:
    - Technological progress, leading to a sharp reduction in transport and communication costs, a significant reduction in the costs of processing, storing and using information. Information service is directly related to the successes in electronics expressed in the creation of e-mail and the Internet, accessibility of computers.
    1. Methodology
    The current study is purposed for identification and description of the risks of cooperation between Russian and Chinese companies in the field of import supplies of steel rolling with polymer coating to Russia. The work represents the first step to the formation and implementation of risk management system at Stroygarant company from Tatarstan, Russian Federation. In order to carry out the study and further formulation of recommendations for the company, the work was studied with attraction of science literature to form theoretical basis and empirical data as practical part.

    1.1. Theoretical basis
    1. The theoretical basis of this research consists of the approaches to the study of organization as an object of management within the framework of the following directions of the classical theory:
    - scientific (F.Taylor and others),
    - theory of organization (H.Fayol and others),
    - bureaucratic (М.Weber and others).
    In addition, the scientific views of such scholars as R.Likert , H.Simon , W.Brown and E.Jaques , P.Drucker , J.Woodward , H.Ansoff , D.North , E.Mayo , D.McGregor , M.Hammer and J.Champy were taken into account.
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