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Comparative analysis of the English and French pronouns on the example of newspaper articles

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    29.10.2020 г.
  • Объем работы:
    26 стр.
  • Содержание:

    1.1 General characteristics of English and French pronouns 2
    1.2 Features of Newspaper genre 9
    1.3 Pronouns as the Linguistic Means in newspaper articles 11
    1.4 Summary of Results 15

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Comparative analysis of the English and French pronouns on the example of newspaper articles
    1.1 General characteristics of English and French pronouns

    A pronoun is a small word which replaces a noun. Pronouns are words which point to objects, people or things, their properties and relations, their local or temporal reference, or placement without naming them [1].
    The status of the pronoun in the system of the parts of speech is a special one because some of the pronouns share the essential properties of nouns (e.g. someone), while others have much in common with adjectives (e.g. this). Since the categorial meaning of the pronoun is difficult to define, some scholars refuse to recognize pronouns as a separate part of speech and distribute them between nouns and adjectives. Most Modern English grammars, however, distinguish pronouns from both nouns and adjectives.
    The meaning of pronouns is general and undetermined; their semantic interpretation depends on context. Pronouns point to things without naming them. This property is described as indication. Indication is considered to be the semantic foundation of another basic feature of pronouns: substitution. As substitutes, pronouns act as syntactic representatives of other parts of speech, taking on their meaning in context. This isolates all the heterogeneous groups of pronouns into a special set within the parts of speech [100].
    In terms of form, pronouns fall into different types. Some of them are variable in form (e.g. one - one"s - ones), and others are invariable (e.g. something, which). Variable pronouns express a number of grammatical categories. Some pronouns have the category of number, singular and plural (e.g. this - these), while others do not (e.g. somebody); some have the category of case (e.g. she - her, everybody - everybody’s), while others have none [2, p. 42].
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