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The evolution of relations between Russia and Us during Trump administration (1 глава)

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    06.05.2021 г.
  • Объем работы:
    36 стр.
  • Содержание:
    1.1 History of the USA-Russian relations from the beginning of the 21 century.
    1.2Основные направления и форматы Российско-американского взаимодействия
    1.3 1.3 Specific features of Russia-USA relations
  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме The evolution of relations between Russia and Us during Trump administration (1 глава)
    1.1. History of the USA-Russian relations from the beginning of the 21 century
    In order to characterize relations between Russia and the United States in the 21st century, it is necessary to turn to the situation that has developed by this period.
    At that time, there were certain obstacles that did not allow making correct and prompt decisions. Among them there were the following (Turkov, 2015) :
    - Lack of mutual understanding due to misconceptions about cultural characteristics.
    - Confrontation between two systems, representatives of each of which considered it necessary to change the opposite side or its international behavior.
    - Mutual distrust.
    In building Russian-American relations, such an event as the appointment of Vladimir Putin on December 31, 1999, as acting President of the Russian Federation, was of great importance. He managed to become an independent political figure, since he proclaimed the principle of equidistance of power from powerful political and economic groups.
    It is worth noting that at the time of his coming to the power in the country, a situation arose when various political institutions influenced the weak executive power. The state budget depended on the influence of several oligarchs, who could not only influence fluctuations in the exchange rate of the national currency, but also a change in Cabinet Ministers.
    The position of V.Putin and the steps taken by him in various spheres of state structure have led to significant changes in the functioning of the country. In the early 2000s, the preconditions were created for rapprochement with the United States, as well as the meeting of heads of state, which took place in June 2001 in Ljubljana. At this meeting, the leaders established a personal contact, evaluating each other from a positive side (Rybalko, 2014) .
    The most notable events in the history of relations between the two countries were the tragic events of September 11, 2001. During this period, V.Putin was one of the first to support George W. Bush and offered help in the fight against terrorism (Shenon, 2013) . Since the interests in the fight against terrorism coincided, there was some rapprochement between the countries and joint work, but initially with limited economic ties.
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