Помощь в написании студенческих учебных работ

Образование государства российского (по Соловьеву, Карамзину)

  • Номер работы:
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  • Год подготовки:
  • Объем работы:
    20 стр.
  • Содержание:

    Introduction 2
    1. System of interprincely relations as the beginning of formation of the state 3
    2. Process of centralisation round Moscow 7
    3. Features of association round Moscow 10
    4. The Basic stages of creation of the centralised Russian state 11
    5. End of process of formation of statehood 14
    6. The role of orthodox church in formation of the Russian statehood 15
    The conclusion 16
    Sources 18
    Annexes 20

  • Выдержка из работы:

    The work theme consists in studying of formation of the uniform Russian state and autocracy formation in the 14-beginning of 16 centuries.
    Many historians paid to a theme of formation of the centralized state attention. To it have devoted special researches of L. V.Cherepnin, And. M.Saharov, A.A.Zimin, V.B.Kobrin, J.A.Limonov, A.L.Horoshkevich, M.N.Tikhomirov, Y.G. Alekseev, With. V.Bushuev, G.E.Mironov, L.N.Gumilev, G.P.Fedotov, S.Gerbershtejn. Represents considerable interest V.I.Jazvitsky's historical novel "Ivan III - a sovereign of sowing Russia" (in 5 books). - an epopee it is possible to name this novel without exaggeration the encyclopaedia of a life of Russia of XV century.
    Many social scientists of the past reflected on interrelation of Russian character both the created will and character of Russian of the huge and strong country. "In a shower of Russian people, - wrote N.A.Berdjaev in the composition "Russian idea ", - there is a same immensity, infinity, tendency in infinity, as well as in Russian plain".
    From Russia mighty Russia was born. The interesting concept of development of this process in the history of our Fatherland was offered by the large Russian historian, the philosopher, seminary student G.P.Fedotov.
    The conclusion

    Formation of the Russian centralized state was accompanied unprecedented in the history on scales and precipitancy by expansion of borders. Russia has mastered enormous spaces of Eurasia, having spent for it great efforts. With 1462 on 1533 the state territory has grown in 6,5 times — from 430 thousand km2 to 2,8 million By end ХVI century it made 5,4 million km2 that was approximately equal to the sizes of all other Europe.
    The Russian state differed from the western neighbors multinational structure. Its ethnic structure was other, rather than during the Kiev period. The state territory of the Kiev Russia was limited to moving of the East slavic people. About two tens not slavic tribes were paying the tribute Russia, but they directly were not a part of the state. Some Baltic and Finno-Ugric tribes have closely merged with the Old Russian population, having dissolved in it is definitive. Russia in XVI century included in the structure of the earth with other ethnic population. The Greek name was definitively fixed to the state "Russia" underlining its multinational structure.
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