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The impact of the media discourse on subjective barriers in the HIV prevention among youth in Russia

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    15.02.2018 г.
  • Объем работы:
    74 стр.
  • Содержание:
    List of Abbreviations 3
    Introduction 4
    1. Existing HIV/AIDS prevention system and media environment 9
    1.1. Characteristics of state HIV/AIDS prevention system in Russia 9
    1.1.1. State efforts in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention 9
    1.1.2. HIV prevention system in Russia 11
    1.2. Media discourse in HIV prevention 14
    1.2.1. The notion of discourse through the prism of influence mechanisms 14
    1.2.2. Existing HIV /AIDS media discourses in Russia 16
    1.3. Subjective barriers in HIV/AIDS prevention 18
    1.3.1. The notion of barrier 18
    1.3.2. The notion of stigma 19
    1.3.3. Basis for HIV testing subjective barriers of Russian youth 21
    2. Methodology 27
    3. Findings and results 31
    4. Correspondence of media discourse and subjective barriers 45
    Conclusion 51
    Bibliography 54
    Appendices 60

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме The impact of the media discourse on subjective barriers in the HIV prevention among youth in Russia
    The HIV epidemic is a serious problem affecting the health of individuals and high level of mortality all around the world (WHO, 2017). This fact makes it reasonable for the state to take preventive measures. Russia is not the exclusion. In our country the steps are taken by through the following directions:
    1.State support. It is represented by a network of specialized medical institutions, a unified system for monitoring the HIV / AIDS epidemic, medical supervision, diagnosis and treatment of HIV-infected persons in accordance with the standards approved by the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation, palliative care programs for patients with HIV infection and HIV prevention programs with state financing (Urazbagambetov, 2013). County Coordinating Mechanism to fight HIV/AIDS and epidemic (CCM) (Federal Center, 2017).
    2.International organizations influence (UNO, WHO, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) (Gorlinskiy, 2008).
    3.Non-government organizations’ (NGOs’) support. In addition to taking part of NGOs in preventive projects in cooperation with the state (Mazus, 2011), they make independent steps in HIV prevention (Pape, 2010).
    1. Existing HIV/AIDS prevention system and media environment
    This chapter is purposed to characterize general system of HIV/AIDS prevention in Russia. It also directed to study media discourse essence and it social impact, as a whole, and connected with HIV/AIDS issue, in particular. These two points will give the possibility to estimate the degree of the puzzle specified in the Introduction. Special attention will be devoted to the issue of subjective barriers of Russian youth in HIV prevention. Totally, this chapter depicts theoretical basis of the stated problem.

    1.1. Characteristics of state HIV/AIDS prevention system in Russia
    1.1.1. State efforts in the area of HIV/AIDS prevention
    In Russia main directions of the state policy to counteract the HIV / AIDS epidemic are identified. They are as follows (Mazus, 2011):
    - information activities aimed at preventing HIV infection among various population groups;
    - maintaining a high level of population screening for early detection of HIV infection and preventing further transmission of infection;
    - providing 100% of access to medical care for HIV-infected people using high-tech methods for diagnosing the immune and virologic status and providing modern, expensive medications;
    - prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV infection in all treatment and prevention institutions in Russian Federation;
    - ensuring safe donation.
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