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Young people and alcohol

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  • Объем работы:
    30 стр.
  • Содержание:

    1. How children and young people learn about behave towards alcohol…………..5
    2. Motivations to drink: the appeal of alcohol amongst young people……………..9
    3. Social and health considerations…………………………………………………11
    4. Alcohol education………………………………………………………………. 15
    5. Parents and the family…………………………………………………………16
    The list of literature…………………………………………………………………27
  • Выдержка из работы:

    The topicality of the paper. Drinking among young people is an issue of public health and policy concern in countries around the world. Not all young people drink and, among those who do, not all do so in a harmful way. However, certain drinking patterns and general risk-taking behavior among youths may place them at considerable risk for harm. Efforts to ensure that this risk is minimized are a key objective of prevention approaches aimed at this population group.
    Young people try alcohol for many reasons: they might be curious, or want to be one of the group, some young people drink because it makes them feel older, or because it gives them a certain image among friends, some people drink when they go to parties and nightclubs to enjoy themselves more. The alcohol might make them feel more relaxed, some people use alcohol to help them sleep or to forget things, some people need to drink every day just to get through the day because they are dependent on alcohol.
    1. How children and young people learn about behave towards alcohol

    Children learn about alcohol from an extremely young age. As with many other areas, this learning follows a developmental trajectory. They learn a great deal from the media and other representations, but basic attitudes and intentions will initially be most influenced by parents, although knowledge and expectancies will not necessarily be so predominantly influenced by them. Children may learn a great deal about alcohol, and acquire expectancies of what will happen if they drink, from the media or from other adults. However, their attitudes and intentions towards this knowledge and these expectancies will be initially primarily determined by their families – especially their parents, but including a host of other important family influences as well, such as grandparents and siblings, depending on how these other family influences are considered by the family subculture.
    Key family processes and structures that have been shown to influence the development of knowledge, attitudes and subsequent behavior towards alcohol include ‘parenting style’ :
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