Помощь в написании студенческих учебных работ

Адаптация персонала к инновациям

  • Номер работы:
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  • Год подготовки:
  • Объем работы:
    14 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Table of contents

    Introduction 3
    Chapter 1. Innovation in the development of enterprise 5
    Chapter 2. Problems of adaptation of personnel to innovations 8
    Chapter 3. Methods of adaptation of personnel to innovations 10
    Conclusion 14
    Bibliography 15

  • Выдержка из работы:

    In modern conditions the innovative orientation of strategy and tactics of de-velopment is guarantee of successful functioning of the enterprises in the market, in-creases of their adaptation ability and organizational flexibility. The effect of innova-tive activity is predetermined by degree of an involvement of highly qualified and creative personnel into innovative process of the enterprises. It is caused by the fact that the world has entered an era of information economy or economy of knowledge, the main factors of production in which the knowledge and intelligence of the person are essential to production by means of innovations. Therefore, the innovative way of development imposes special requirements to the intellectual capital of the enter-prises: abilities, level of knowledge, qualification and mobility of personnel, level of quality and timeliness of performance of production targets.
    In the modern world of the global competition the sustainable development of the enterprises is predetermined by the introduction of a package of measures, the key factors of competitive advantages focused on effective adaptation to external changes.
    Chapter 1. Innovation in the development of enterprise

    Innovative processes, their embodiment in new products and new equipment are a basis of economic development. Innovative process represents preparation and implementation of innovative changes and consists of the interconnected phases forming uniform, complex whole. Result of this process is a realized, used change which is called an innovation. Changes in the organization are a consequence of the changes happening in the world. Sources of these changes can be both in the organi-zation, and in external environment. The state adopts new laws which are obliged to carry out each organization. New technologies demand transition to release of new types of production, and it in turn can cause the necessity of new organizational struc-ture, etc. Changes in organization cause different reactions of people. Initial reaction of resistance to changes which is overcome by the correct management of innova-tions is natural to people .
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