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How to promote innovation in Russia

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    31.12.2015 г.
  • Объем работы:
    99 стр.
  • Содержание:
    1.1 Justification of the relevance of the study
    1.2. Research Problem and Research Questions
    1.3 Survey Methodology
    1.4 The theoretical basis of the study
    1.5 Findings
    1.6 Structure of the Thesis
    2.1 Infrastructure innovation
    2.2 Identification of the role of business in the promotion of innovation
    2.3 The commercialization of the innovation process
    2.3.1 The concept and features of the mechanism of the innovation process
    2.3.2 Commercialization defined
    2.3.3 The main directions of the commercialization of science and technology
    2.3.4 The mechanism of the process of commercialization
    2.3.5 The strategy of commercialization of innovations in Russia
    3.1 Case studies
    3.2 Data collection
    3.2.1 Interviews
    3.2.2 Documents
    3.2.3 Data Analysis
    4.1 Innovative processes and their role in the development of modern Russian economy
    4.2. Innovative development in the European Union (for example, Germany, France)
    4.2.1 Germany innovation system
    4.2.2 France innovation system
    4.3 Possibilities of cooperation between Russia and the EU in the field of innovation development
    4.3.1 Case company 1 (Russia)
    4.3.2 Case company 2 (Germany)
    4.3.3 Case company 3 (France)
    5.1 Cross-case analysis
    6.1 Research Summary
    6.2 Suggestions and recommendations for further research
    Table 1 Russian organizations of innovation infrastructure as of January 1, 2015
    Table 2 Quantitative indicators of innovative socially-oriented model of development of the Russian economy (forecast for 2020)
    Table 3 The dynamics of the use of advanced production technology in the Russian Federation for 2012-2014, in units
    Table 4 Income and expenses in the commercialization of innovations
    Table 5 Advantages and disadvantages of commercialization of innovations
    Table 6 Evaluation criteria for one of the projects
    Table 7 SWOT- analysis of the innovation system of the Russian Federation (01.01.2015)
    Table 8 SWOT- analysis of the innovation system of the Germany (01.01.2015)
    Table 9 SWOT- analysis of the innovation system of the France (01.01.2015)
    Table 10 PEST of the company "Russian Navigation Technologies"
    Table 11SWOT of the company "Russian Navigation Technologies"
    Table 12 Recommendations on the strategy of commercialization of innovations
    Table 13SWOT analysis of the company
    Table 14 SWOT analysis of the company
    Figure 1 Schematic of the modern innovation process
    Figure 2 Blocks of innovative infrastructure
    Figure 3 Scheme of interaction of basic blocks of knowledge economy
    Figure 4 The risks borne by the entrepreneur - "source of risk"
    Figure 5 Changes in the innovation process in the 1970-1980-th year
    Figure 6 The phases of the innovation process
    Figure 7. Expenditure on technological innovation in Russia and the Western countries, in% of the total cost
    Figure 8. Technology commercialization of innovations
    Figure 9. Model "packaging" of the company - the center of commercialization of innovations
    Figure10. Model "packaging" of the company - the coordinator of the process of commercialization of innovations
    Figure 11. The willingness of the population of the Russian Federation and the EU to buy innovative products (as of 01.01.2015)
  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме How to promote innovation in Russia

    1.1 Justification of the relevance of the study

    The priority objective of the Russian Federation and its state institutions in the contemporary socio-economic and political conditions of today is to promote a positive innovation dynamics of the domestic economy. Innovative activity is a special tool for small businesses to use innovation as new opportunities and open new businesses, provide new services to produce new products. Currently, the Russian Federation in need of a serious extent in improving the effectiveness of innovative development, including by improving the process of commercialization, as well as representatives of state support for domestic business.

    Innovation - a full-fledged participant in trade relations, which enables society to develop. Therefore, they will certainly become the object of commercialization, the main form of which is a transfer of rights to innovation, organization or business on the basis of innovation by the innovator (different combinations of these forms). That is the commercialization of innovations - is the direct sale or facilitating the promotion of innovative products or services. If there is no innovator means for materialization of innovation, we have to look on the side of investors, who are often not interested in the essence of innovation, and care only a potential market volume of products. Here, the main task and challenge is to find an investor, and to convey to him the benefits of innovation in comparison with commercially available products / services. In Russia, the main problem of the national innovation system at the present stage favor underdeveloped commercialization of innovations, while the commercialization of innovations is a determining factor in the development of national innovation system. .....................................
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