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Литературный анализ произведения Jack London. To Build a Fire (на английском языке)

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    24.01.2020 г.
  • Объем работы:
    3 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Jack London. To Build a Fire
    1. Choose any short story you like (the size does not matter). Attach the text of the story to your analysis.
    2. Give brief background information about the time when the story was written. Then answer the following questions.
    3. What is the setting of the story (location, period, social milieu)?
    4. Who is the protagonist? Is there is an antagonist or a foil? Who are the other characters? Are the characters static or dynamic? Transparent or opaque? Does the author use showing (action, dramatic presentation), telling (direct
    commentary) or both for characterization? Give examples.
    5. Is the story told in the first or in the third person? Does the author use
    omniscient (all-knowing) POV? Is it intrusive or unintrusive?
    6. Who is the narrator? Do we feel the author’s attitude to the narrator? How?
    7. How is the plot organized? Is there an exposition, complication, crisis,
    falling action and resolution? What episodes/events represent these stages of
    the plot? Is there a subplot? Is it an analogy to the main plot?
    8. Are there flashbacks or flashforwards in the story?
    9. What is the author’s style? Comment on
    a. The diction (choice of words): formal or informal (colloquial), standard or nonstandard. Is it different in the narration and in the speech of characters?
    b. Figurative devices (simile, metaphor, symbol, etc.).
    c. Syntax (length and complication of sentences). Is it different in the
    narration and in the speech of characters?
    10. What is the author’s tone? Does the author employ ironic language? Is there
    irony in the story? Is so, what is its type? Give examples.
    11.What is the theme (the central idea) of the story? Would you recommend it
    for others to read and why?
  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Литературный анализ произведения Jack London. To Build a Fire (на английском языке)
    Jack London (1876-1916) - American writer of a realistic direction, and journalist, war correspondent, public figure. Best known for writing adventure stories and novels. The most recognized are Jack London’s Northern Stories, “To Build a Fire” (1908) develops the northern theme in his work, was written during Jack London’s heyday and published in the collection “Lost Face”.
    The story takes place in the Arctic at the end of winter, at the end of the 19th century. The author in detail and geographically accurately describes the area where the event takes place, the road laid along the Yukon River. To Build a Fire is the story of a young miner who has come to the Yukon to find gold. He is traveling toward his camp on a cold, windy afternoon, against the advice of a seasoned miner. He falls through some ice and gets his feet wet, necessitating building a fire to dry off and warm up. Unfortunately, his fire fails, and the man ends up freezing to death. When it is clear he"s dead, his dog deserts him, heading for the warmth and food of the mining camp.
    The author describes one day in the life of a hero, a soldier of fortune, so to speak, his last day. The man was going to bypass the path that his comrades had made through the pass. The hero’s action had practical meaning: he had to check whether it was possible to transport the flooded forest from islands on the river in spring.
    The hero of the story has no name. He is simply called the man, he appears to us as a person from a low social stratum, proud“Those old-timers were rather womanish, some of them, he thought” and not far-off, but they are two peas in a pod.
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