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An economic analysis of proposed solutions to an increasing demand for passengers’ transportation in Moscow’s aviation hub

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    23 стр.
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    Contents page

    Abstract 1
    Contents page 2
    Introduction 3
    An economic analysis of proposed solutions to an increasing demand for passengers’ transportation in Moscow’s aviation hub: cost and benefit……………………………………………………………………….………..4
    Conclusion 19
    The bibliography 21
    Appendices 22

  • Выдержка из работы:

    Development of transport system of the country and system of air transport becomes a necessary condition of realization of economic growth model of the Russian Federation, but also a factor of improvement of quality life of the population and competitiveness of national economy.
    Priority task of social and economic development of Russia is elimination of infrastructure restrictions of long-term economic growth, first of all, a way of development of transport infrastructure. To provide the rates of economic growth set by the Russian President, the transport system of the country has to come to new qualitative level through complex development of large transport knots, including airport complexes.
    According to International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in 2013 the airports in the world served 1 833,4 million passengers that is 6,5% more, than in 2012. Growth of volumes of transportations by civil aviation at the level of 5-7% a year is predicted. Air transport of the countries having the modern nodal airports with the developed route network, becomes the catalyst of economic growth. 4,5% of world gross domestic product can be carried on air transport and the effect having impact on production in the most aviation branch, or the sphere of consumer goods and services [8].
    Air transport, interacting with other branches of economy, promotes social and economic development of the country. With strengthening of economic activity volumes of business trips extend also, at the same time demand for air flights increases.
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