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Анализ факторов развития ипотечного рынка ("Analysis of Mortgage Market Development")

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    28.04.2017 г.
  • Объем работы:
    46 стр.
  • Содержание:

    1.1 Structure of the mortgage market 7
    1.2 Models of the organization of the mortgage markets in the world 11
    1.3 Features of mortgage market development in Russia 19
    2.1 Description of the studied selection, dependent and independent variables 22
    2.2 Choice of methodology of a research 30
    2.3 Nomination of research hypotheses 33
    Appendix 1 – Traditional and sub-prime model of mortgage landing 43
    Appendix 2– Influence of the mortgage market on state of the economy 44
    Appendix 3 – Data on quantity of the housing loans granted by credit institutions to physical resident persons in rubles and foreign currency, in a section of subjects of the Russian Federation 45
    Appendix 4 – Commissioning of houses in a section of subjects of the Russian Federation 46
    Appendix 5 – The average terms of crediting and interest rates for the mortgage housing loans granted by credit institutions to physical resident persons in rubles, in a section of subjects of the Russian Federation 47

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Анализ факторов развития ипотечного рынка
    ("Analysis of Mortgage Market Development")


    Relevance of the research. The modern changes connected with development of the Russian economy have concerned all participants of economic process. Now it is necessary to allocate a mortgage which is an important element of social and economic policy of the state and a component of a package of measures of acquisition of housing on a commercial basis.
    In world practice use of a mortgage as the instrument of state policy for the solution of housing problems of the population proves its special value at the solution of paramount social and economic tasks. Positive value of mortgage lending is also the solution of the problem of accumulation of means for acquisition of housing because the level of the current income of potential purchasers of the real estate is incomparable to expensive durable goods (housing).
    In the modern conditions and at the present stage of development of system of the mortgage market in Russia, the state has put the task to increase availability of mortgage lending to the population with various level of the income. Also the state intends to develop the special programs providing the state support for socially unprotected population categories through system of subsidizing of mortgage lending. Formation in Russia of the system of mortgage lending adapted to regional conditions is the priority direction of the state housing policy.

    1.1 Structure of the mortgage market

    The market is set of economic relations appearing in the sphere of exchange of goods and services, and as a result of which demand, supply and the price are formed. Thus, mortgage market is a part of the capital market where the loan capital provided with pledge of the real estate is redistributed. Mortgage market functions at the expense of the mortgage loans issued in primary mortgage market and refinanced in the secondary mortgage market. At a mortgage loan financial resources are attracted in the form of the credits on the security of the real estate .
    The mortgage is a providing the obligation with real estate at which the pawnbroker has the right, in case of non-execution by the depositor of the obligation, to have satisfaction at the expense of the put real estate. Economically the mortgage is a market tool of a turn of property rights on real estate objects in cases when other forms of alienation (purchase and sale, exchange) legally or are commercially inexpedient, and allowing to raise additional financial means for implementation of projects . Mortgage lending is the integral element of market economy. Reflecting regularities of development of world economy, it is one of priority instruments of development of business.
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