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An Analysis of factors that attract investors  for Smal and medium- size Business in- Visagins, Lithuania

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    20.03.2020 г.
  • Объем работы:
    21 стр.
  • Содержание:

    Contents page
    1.1.Aims and objectives, and research questions
    1.2.Research objectives
    1.3.The main research questions
    2.Literature review
    3.Methodology and data collection
    5.Analysis of the
  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме An Analysis of factors that attract investors  for Smal and medium- size Business in- Visagins, Lithuania
    2.Literature review

    How does Visaginas look in terms of attractiveness (for some factors) compared to other cities in Lithuania? What are the current trends in our development? In order to study this problem, the literature was used devoted to both internal and external economic factors that influence the attitude of potential investors towards Visaginas. The following are the data of the Department of statistics of the Republic of Lithuania: the population decreased from 22,235 in 2011 to 20,406 in 2014. The annual average for this period was 565.
    It is not difficult to calculate that by the end of the next cadence of the elected bodies of local self-government, if this trend continues (assuming doing nothing), there will be 18050 of locals left. The city will drop out of the list of cities in Lithuania with a population of 20 to 50 thousand people and will move to another "weight category" (Sviderskaya A., 2019).
    Thus, the city will lower its rating of attractiveness for investors, since, as noted above, a sufficient number of labour resources forms this indicator along with other indicators – economic potential, transport, the presence of the city"s strategy to attract foreign investors, etc. It is difficult to expect that any of the investors will seriously want to invest in a small town (Bykov O., 2015). Therefore, it is really important to reveal and to analyze the factors that that attract investors for small and medium- size Business in Visaginas. Thus, results of this research will contribute to successful development of the city.
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