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Ways of creating satirical effect in political articles

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    20.04.2012 г.
  • Объем работы:
    107 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Introduction 4
    Theoretical part: 8
    1. Political article 8
    1.1 Styles of political articles 8
    1.2 Peculiarities of political articles 10
    1.3 Stylistic devices mostly used in political articles 11
    2. Satire 13
    2.1 History and origin 13
    2.2 Classification 15
    2.3 Definition 15
    3. Irony 17
    3.1 History and origin 17
    3.2 Classification 19
    3.3 Definition 20
    4. Mockery 22
    4.1 History and origin 22
    4.2 Definitions 23
    5. Main points from the theoretical parts 25
    Practical part 27
    1. Stylistic devices used in political articles 27
    2. Irony as a powerful mean 33
    3. Mockery 40
    4. Satire 44
    5. Graphic and lexical means 49
    6. Main features 62
    Conclusion 64
    Summary 66
    Bibliography 69
    Appendix 1 72
    Appendix 2 76
    Appendix 3 80
    Appendix 4 84
    Appendix 5 88
    Appendix 6 92
    Appendix 7 96
    Appendix 8 99
    Appendix 9 102
    Appendix 10 104
    Appendix 11 107

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    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Ways of creating satirical effect in political articles

    Ways of creating satirical effect in political articles is one of the most meaningful and topical themes nowadays. The topicality of our investigation is the fact that many political articles today are based on some humor devices, and these devices must be clearly distinguished and analyzed.
    The topicality of our investigation defines the aim and the tasks of our work.
    The aim of our investigation is to analyze ways of creating satirical effect in political articles.
    The tasks of our work are:
    1. To examine the styles of political articles and its main features;
    2. To study definitions and origin of satire, irony and mockery in political articles;
    3. To show with examples the main stylistic devices mostly used in political articles;
    4. To analyze the using of satire, irony and mockery in the political articles;
    5. To examine graphic and lexical means in political articles.
    The object of our investigation is political article.
    The subjects of our work are satire, irony and mockery.
    The theoretical bases of the investigation are the works on the humor means and aesthetics of M. Bachtin, Ju. Borev, V. Bychkov, B. Dzemidock, A. Dmitriev, O. Ermackova, G. Kyasimov, A. Mackaryan, N. Nickolina, O. Petrova, V. Pivoev, V. Propp, O. Freidenberg, S. Attardo, G. Highet, M. Seidel; the works on lexicology and stylistics of I. Arnold, I. Galperin, A. Fyodorov; and different dictionaries and encyclopedias: American Heritage Dictionary, Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, Columbia Encyclopedia, Oxford dictionaries, Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms.
    The materials of our investigation are the following political articles given in the newspaper “The Moscow Times”.
    1. How Moscow is Helping to Solve the Iran Problem. http://www.themoscowtimes.com/opinion/article/how-moscow-is-helping-to-solve-the-iran-problem/456589.html
    2. Kremlin Sees Obama as Weak.
    3. Kremlin will play dearly for Viktor Bout.
    4. Giving Russia the Bout.
    5. Siloviki in a Panic.
    6. Why BRICS is No Good for Russia.
    7. Watching Patriarch Kirill Discredit Himself.
    The theoretical and practical value of this investigation is that the results of the investigation can be used in the learning process, in writing tutorials and methodical publications.
    The novelty of the investigation is that in the course of the investigation we were analyzing not only the texts of political articles but also different graphic and lexical means, for instance, the caricatures which are given in the articles mentioned above.
    To disclose the aim of the investigation the following structure of the work is defined: the work consists of introduction, theoretical and practical parts, conclusion, bibliography and appendixes.

    In the introduction we ground the topicality of the investigation, define the aim and the tasks of the work, the subject and the object, and distinguish the theoretical and practical value and the novelty of our investigation.
    The theoretical part consists of five paragraphs. The names of the paragraphs reflect the content of the articles. The paragraph under the name “Political article” concerns such notions as distinguishing of the styles of political articles. Also here we discuss the main features and characteristics of the political articles in the whole and the stylistic devices mostly used in political articles.
    The second paragraph of the work is devoted to satire and its peculiarities. First of all we discuss the history of this stylistic device and etymology of the word “satire”. Then we examine main classifications of satire and its definitions given in different dictionaries and encyclopedias.
    In the third paragraph we discuss such stylistic device as irony. We speak about its origin and development through history, its definitions given in different sources and classifications.
    The forth paragraph is devoted to mockery, its history of development and definition.
    In the fifth paragraph we gather all the information given above and make a conclusion.
    The practical part consists of six paragraphs. In this part we investigate different stylistic devices and means of comicalness in the material of the famous newspaper in the English language “The Moscow Times”. We search the cases of using here irony, satire and mockery and analyze them. More over, in the practical part we analyze different graphic and lexical means. They are expressed in the type of caricatures which are enclosed to the political articles.
    In conclusion we resume all the information given above and made a conclusion.
    Bibliography consists of the titles of the meaningful scientific works of different investigators in the sphere of comicalness, humor, lexicology and stylistics.

    Here irony is built on the word combination “caffeine electorate”. With the help of this word combination the author wants to show the small quantity of voters, frequent customers of the cafe on Sretenka. The subject of irony is the following: if the customers of one Moscow café elected Prokhorov, why is everyone sure that Putin will be the winner.
    Phraseologisms which are present in political articles can also influence the appearance of irony. For example,
    Of course, NTV representatives angrily repudiated the suggestion that the channel had engaged in illegal surveillance, claiming instead that it relied on a "wide network of informants" for its information. It was not a very convincing argument considering that the only people with access to the ambassador's schedule are his personal aides and the rights activists and opposition members with whom he had scheduled meetings — none of whom is likely to be part of NTV's trusted "network of informants." [Appendix 2]

    Many political articles today are based on some humor devices. This is caused by the demands of our society. Thus the theme of our investigation is topical and urgent.
    In accordance with the aim of our investigation that is in analyzing the ways of creating satirical effect in political articles, we examine the main features of political articles in general. It is known that political articles as an independent genre first of all express a definite opinion concerning some questions in political sphere. Accordingly we can name the main features of political articles: simplicity of all notions, regular social and historical changes of political vocabulary and developed lexical combinative power.
    The genre of political articles is very complete. Here we can observe its definite groups of genres such as informational, analytical and artistic-journalistic genres. We are more interested in the artistic-journalistic group as in these articles may humor means are used. For example, in feuilletons. The main themes of political feuilleton are topical criticism, ridicule of the country’s and government’s disadvantages, any political events.
    Lexical system of political articles is very extensive. In the background of the written literary norm in political articles such lexical units are used as, for instance, terminology, bookish words, neutral vocabulary, stylistic tinged lexical units, sometimes colloquial speech.
    Without any doubt, in political articles many stylistic devices are used with the aim to make political speech more expressive and may be more figurative. We can name such stylistic devices which are mostly used in political articles as metaphor, comparison, hyperbole, litotes, epithet, antithesis, allegory, and many others. Among the stylistic figure we can name syntactical parallel constructions, elliptical constructions, rhetorical questions, and oxymoron.
    Concerning the main means of comicalness, here we examine satire, irony and mockery as they are used in political articles very often.
    Satire is the expression of comic elements that is based on humiliating exposure of the phenomena. This word came from the Latin name of mythical creations satyrs or, another opinion, from the word “satura”, the meaning of which is mishmash of food. The significant periods of its development are ancient Greece and ancient Rome, the satire of Aristophanes, Arabic satiric poetry of the IX century, satire of vagrant musicians in the Middle Ages. Nowadays satire is one of main means to ridicule the existing political structure.
    We can say about different types of satire. So, satire can be distinguished by its theme (political, religious satire or satire of manners), in accordance with its origin and main features (Horatian and Juvenalian satire).
    Irony as a stylistic device takes place when a word or a phrase has in a context the meaning that is opposite to the literal interpretation or even disclaims it. The term “irony” came from the Greek language, and its origin is up to the antique times. From the periods of its using we cab speak about Socratic irony, tragic irony in the antique theatre, irony as the rhetorical means, as comic attribute and many others. Concerning its classification, we can distinguish direct irony, anti-irony, self-irony, comic, satiric, tragical, nihilistic, skeptical, absolute, totalitarian, liberal, cynical, and post-modernist irony. All of these types of irony can its definite features and characteristics.
    We discuss mockery in two aspects: mockery as a type of parody and as a type of caricature. In the course of our investigation we have learned that in political articles mockery is used in a view of caricature. We can say that mockery is the cruelest means of ridicule, as it contains frank humiliation. The main features of mockery are the comicalness, social-psychological factor, topicality.
    In political articles one may find a great deal of cases of using irony, satire and mockery. All these humor means can be based on different stylistic devices and lexical units. For example, irony in the analyzed political articles is based on polysemy, contextual neologisms, phraseologisms, oxymoron, conjunctive constructions, litotes. Mockery is often built on neologisms, hyperboles, undisguised insulting, phraseology, statements of facts. Satire in political articles is more often based on such lexical and stylistic units as comparisons, the changing of the well-known idioms, epithets, allegory, the author’s comments, rhetorical questions.
    In conclusion it is worth mentioning that satiric political articles are very popular nowadays. They express the urgent political situation in a country by means of something funny what attracts the readers.


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