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Особенности перевода авиационной терминологии. Принципы и методы перевода при работе с авиационным английским

  • Номер работы:
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  • Объем работы:
    77 стр.
  • Содержание:

    CHAPTER I. General Characteristics of Aviation Terminological System 6
    1.1 Definition and Peculiarities of Terms 6
    1.2 Semantic and Structural Classification of Aviation Terminology 14
    1.3 Translation Procedures, Ways and Methods 19
    CHAPTER II. Aviation English 23
    2.1 Special English for Special Purposes 23
    2.2 English for Pilots 31
    2.3 Aviation Regulation and Certification Organizations 37
    CHAPTER III. Peculiarities and Methods of Translation of Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service Terms (on the Materials of “Руководство по радиотелефонной связи” by ICAO) 43
    3.1 Structural Semantic Analysis of Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service Terms 43
    3.2 Methods of Translation of Air-Ground Radiotelephone Service Terms 52
  • Выдержка из работы:
    The paper is dedicated to the issue of translation of aviation terminology. The focus of our study is on communications that take place between air traffic controllers and pilots. Such communications are conducted primarily in a very restricted variety of English, namely Aviation English which has been designed for this specific purpose. In fact, Aviation English is a kind of lingua franca for pilots and air traffic controllers. Although our primary focus here is on Aviation English in communications between air traffic controllers and pilots, this is not the only communication loop in the aviation context: important communications also take place between and among crew members in and beyond the cockpit: at air traffic control centres, controllers are often required to communicate with one another and with controllers at other centres; on the ground, aircraft maintenance staff must communicate among themselves and sometimes with the flight crew in the cockpit. A number of regulations and policies define and constrain the language all these aviation personnel must use and how they must communicate. This makes Aviation English different from other varieties of English for specific purposes, in that it is mandated by law and heavily regulated.
    Aviation as we know it today has developed during an incredibly short period of time into a large number of independent and associated disciplines. All these specialized scientific areas would not develop to such an extent without an adequate language support – the specialized terminology which must be clear for all the people working in the industry. Terminology or specialized language is more than a technical or particular in¬stance of general language. In today’s society with its emphasis on science and technology, the way specialized knowledge concepts are named, structured, described, and translated has put terminology or the designation of specialized knowledge concepts in the timelight. In order to create a specialized text, translators and technical writers must have an excellent grasp of the language in the conceptual domain, the content that must be transmitted, and the knowledge level of the addressees or text receivers. This explains the topicality of the current thesis.
    CHAPTER I. General Characteristics of Aviation Terminological System
    Chapter 1 compares terminology with lexicology, studying semantic and grammatical characteristics of aviation terms. Also it considers translation procedures, techniques and methods.
    1.1 Definition and Peculiarities of Terms
    The information in scientific and technical texts is encoded in terms, or specialized knowledge units, which are access points to more complex knowledge structures. Underlying the information in the text is entire conceptual domains, which are both explicitly and implicitly present, and which represent the specialized knowledge encoded.
    Terminology came into being because of the growing need to facilitate specialized communication and translation, as well as knowledge transfer between text users belonging to different language communities and with similar knowledge levels. The theo¬retical proposals in this field have been mostly practice-based, and focus on the elaboration of glossaries, specialized dictionaries as well as terminological and translation resources. According to R.Temmerman, – the expert in applied linguistics, computational linguistics, linguistic theories, semantics, translation lexicography, cognitive science and termontography, – “as a subject field with explicit premises, terminology emerges from the need of technicians and scien¬tists to unify the concepts and terms of their subject fields in order to facilitate professional communication and the transfer of knowledge [24, p. 37]”.
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