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Английская поэзия в переводах Николая Гумилева

  • Номер работы:
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  • Объем работы:
    61 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Introduction 3
    Chapter 1. Literary Translation 6
    1.1. Types of Literary Translation 6
    1.2. Stylistic Devices used in Translating of Poetry 11
    1.3. Difficulties in Translating Poetry 17
    Summary of Results 20
    Chapter 2. The Silver Age Period 21
    2.1. Literary Currents in Russia in the Silver Age Period 21
    2.2. Different Approaches to the Poetic Translation 24
    2.3. Creativity of Nicolay Gumilev 27
    Summary of Results 31
    Chapter 3. Practical Analysis of the Translation of Poetry from English into Russian on the Examples of Works by Nicolay Gumilev 32
    3.1. Comparative Analysis of the Original Text with the Text of the Poem in the Version of the Russian Translation 32
    3.2. Differences of Initial and Terminal Text 41
    3.3. Ways of Achieving Highest Accuracy in Translation 50
    Summary of results 55
    Conclusion 56
    References 58

  • Выдержка из работы:

    Poetry and prose are the two main types of literary translation differentiated greatly from each other according to linguistic and extralinguistic reasons. The main peculiarity of poetry is its rhythmical organization. This rhythmical organization helps to create sleazy nuances of literary style.
    Prosaic translation is thoroughly studied in modern linguistic and translation theory. But we cannot say just the same about the translation of poetry. Some theorists and translators believe that there is no any theory of poetic translation, that the theory is based on its practice and have not any strict guidelines.
    Translations of poetry texts are investigated in the present research on the material of the works of Nicolay Gumilev, one of the most prominent translators of English poetry to the Russian language. His creativity is investigated only in the field of literary studies. But in the field of translation theory Gumilev’s works are little researched
    Based on the above, the theme of the present research is very topical today.
    According to the topicality of the theme, we can define the aim of the research which consists in the analysis of English poetry in translation by Nicolay Gumilev.
    In order to achieve this aim, the following tasks must be set:
    1. To study main types of literary translation.
    Chapter 1. Literary Translation
    1.1. Types of Literary Translation

    The process of literary translation concerns the translation of literary texts. Most linguists believe that literary texts are greatly different from non-literary ones. On the other hand, literary texts use just the same linguistic devices as non-literary texts, but they are read differently by the recipients.
    Literary translation has its own specific features, if we compare it with the translation of other texts (non-literary texts). There are some criteria which are necessary to take into account in the process of literary translation. As the foreign researcher M.U. Noras says, “the rhyme scheme could be intact, the metaphors satisfactory, a respectable amount of alliteration preserved, the style of the original author attempted, and the meaning, whatever that means, the same – but when it comes down to it, a literary translation is a work of art, like the original, and it should be evaluated as such” [26, p. 4].
    The main types of literary translation are prose translation and poetry translation. These types of literary translation are considered to be the most steady and continuously developing field of national artistic consciousness.
    In order to analyze the main differences between prose and poetry, it is important to define these notions.
    According to the Cambridge dictionary, prose is a “written language in its ordinary form rather than poetry” [36]. Prose is a form of language that has no formal metrical structure. It applies a natural flow of speech, and ordinary grammatical structure rather than rhythmic structure, such as in the case of traditional poetry. Normal every day speech is spoken in prose and most people think and write in prose form. .......
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