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Функционально-стилистические особенности фразеологизмов в английском и русском языках: сопоставительный анализ

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    15.03.2017 г.
  • Объем работы:
    72 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Table of Contents

    Introduction 3
    Chapter 1. Essence of English and Russian Phraseology 6
    1.1. The Notion of Phraseological Unit in English and Russian Linguistics 6
    1.2. Classifications of Phraseological Units 11
    1.3. Functional Stylistic Features of Phraseology 17
    Summary of Results 21
    Chapter 2. English and Russian Phraseology: Semantic and Structural Study 24
    2.1. Analysis of Semantic Peculiarities of English and Russian Phraseological Units 24
    2.2. Analysis of Structural Peculiarities of English and Russian Phraseological Units 32
    Summary of Results 40
    Chapter 3. Comparative Analysis of Functional Stylistic Features of Phraseology in English and Russian 42
    3.1. Functional Stylistic Features of English Phraseological Units 42
    3.2. Functional Stylistic Features of Russian Phraseological Units 50
    3.3. Contrastive Study of English and Russian Phraseology in Functional Stylistic Aspect 58
    Summary of Results 61
    Conclusion 62
    References 65
    Appendices. 70

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Функционально-стилистические особенности фразеологизмов в английском и русском языках: сопоставительный анализ

    Phraseology of any language is very rich and manifold. Russian and foreign linguists pay great attention to every aspect of functioning of phraseological units in the language. Special interest is observed in the sphere of contrastive study of phraseology of different languages. Phraseology as an independent branch of linguistics appeared recently. Consequently, its tasks and methods of investigation are not strictly defined. Modern study of phraseology is held in different aspects. But still a lot of questions concerning functioning of phraseology in different languages are disputable.
    The topicality of the present research consists, firstly, in the disputable questions of terminology and definition of phraseology in different languages. Russian and foreign researchers use different terms to denote the object of phraseology (phraseological unit or idiom). Consequently, the problem of defining these notions is very urgent today. Secondly, the problem of functional stylistic peculiarities of phraseological units in comparative aspect is not sufficiently discussed in the scientific works.
    The object of the present research is phraseology of the English and Russian languages.
    The subject is functional stylistic peculiarities of phraseology in these two languages.
    The aim of the present paper is to analyze functional stylistic peculiarities of phraseological units in English and Russian in comparative aspect.
    In order to achieve this aim, the following tasks are defined:
    Chapter 1. Essence of English and Russian Phraseology
    1.1. The Notion of Phraseological Unit in English and Russian Linguistics

    Phraseological units are studied in a branch of linguistics called phraseology. Phraseology was founded by the famous Swiss linguist Charles Bally. This scientist was the first to notice that in every language there are not only free words and word-combinations but also peculiar units characterized by their partially or fully transferred meaning.
    In modern linguistics phraseology is understood either in its narrow or in its broad sense. Narrow definition of the term “phraseology” concerns the nomination of a part of lexicology studying fixed phrases in their nominative function. But if we consider this term in a broader sense, we can state, following N.A. Lavrova, that phraseology is not a part of lexicology but an independent branch of linguistics with its own object of investigation – phraseological unit [Лаврова 2012, p. 108].
    The term “phraseological unit” is the most spread term used to nominate fixed phrases of the language, but not the unique one. Linguistics operates also some other terms concerning words and word-combinations with transferred meaning. They are, for example, “cliché”, “idiom”, “phraseme”, “set phrase”, “phraseologism”, “lexical bundle”, “collocation”, “fixed expression”, “lexical phrase”, etc.
    On the one hand, all these terms can be called synonymous because they function in linguistics to denote one and the same language unit. On the other hand, some of the given terms have specific peculiarities. Thus, the term “lexical phrase” is very general. Consequently, it has no descriptive power. The term “fixed expression” cannot be called very accurate as some of fixed phrases are not entirely static. The term “idiom” is very ambiguous since it can denote different language patterns [Lopez, Rojo 2009, p. 133].
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