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Продуктивные технологии обучения грамматическим средствам

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    17.03.2017 г.
  • Объем работы:
    31 стр.
  • Содержание:

    Introduction 3
    1 Learning by Doing Philosophy in the Classroom 5
    2 Learner motivation and theory 9
    3 Overview of methods in grammar teaching approaches 12
    4 The application of Learning by Doing technology in teaching and learning Grammar 15
    Conclusion 26
    Bibliography 28
    Appendix A 30
    Appendix B 31

  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Продуктивные технологии обучения грамматическим средствам

    Teaching, its methods and forms got through many innovative changes during a period of several years. Mass development of information and communication technologies, new education programs, multimedia technology and especially the Learning-by-Doing technologies allow teachers to improve English Grammar teaching. Teachers have amazing tool to make their teaching more motivational, funnier and effective.
    Learning by Doing as a philosophy is based on the ideals of active and reflective learning, building on previous learning experiences and requiring the personal involvement of the learner. In the field of language acquisition (SA), the experiential approach encourages learners to develop the target language skills through the experience of working together on a specific task, rather than only examining discrete elements of the target language. The reflection phase requires learners to engage actively with their own past acquisition experiences and focuses them on the future. Experiential methodology holds many potential benefits for SA in terms of motivation, investment, and cultural understanding.
    1 Learning by Doing Philosophy in the Classroom

    Learning by Doing Philosophy has been applied to a wide variety of learning situations, from business team-building seminars, to orienteering, to math and science classes. The method is easily adaptable to a wide variety of educational settings, especially to classrooms where project-based and task-based learning already form the core of the curriculum. All classroom activities form a part of pupil experience. An activity can be done in a group or individually and successfully mined for affective value through questioning techniques and pupil reflection.
    The division of the learning process into experiential phases helps sequence the learning activities toward the achievement of the desired learning outcomes.
    Learning by Doing Philosophy challenges all learner domains holistically, rather than fragmenting the learning process into cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skill acquisition.
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