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Some information about the similarity and difference of Russian аnd foreign organizations

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  • Год добавления:
    09.04.2018 г.
  • Объем работы:
    4 стр.
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    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Some information about the similarity and difference of Russian
    аnd foreign organizations

    It is known that the demand for Russian natural resources is of great interest to large international corporations and international consolidated companies are actively advancing and investing in the Russian market, with many new prospects opening up for investors. This topic is relevant, as a number of large international corporations such as British Petroleum, Philip Morris and Unilever as well as institutional and private investors have already taken advantage of this opportunity - investing in the Russian economy. At the same time, Russian companies are also looking for additional sources of financing abroad to ensure further growth and development. When writing this work, we used authentic state websites, articles and other information sources.
    In foreign countries, there are different classifications of legal entities, determined by the peculiarities of legal systems and the criteria applied. Currently, the European Union countries have adopted a unified classification of firms on the legal situation, which is used in the new legislation of all EU countries. According to this classification, two types of companies are distinguished: public and private, both of which are limited liability companies.
    Legal entities differ in the nature of the property. On this basis, private, state and cooperative enterprises can be identified.
    The procedure for the formation of legal entities. In foreign countries, it is generally similar to the procedure in force in our country. This is the permissive, administrative, secret and normative-secret procedure for the formation of legal entities.
    Commercial and non-profit organizations-joint-stock companies, limited liability companies, partnerships, foundations, associations, etc. are created in the regulatory and secret order in Russia.
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