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Особенности перевода английского юмора на примере анекдотов

  • Номер работы:
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  • Год добавления:
    29.12.2016 г.
  • Объем работы:
    84 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Table of Contents

    Introduction 3
    Chapter 1. Popular Joke as a Form of Humour 6
    1.1. The Notion of Popular Joke 6
    1.2. English and Russian Popular Jokes: Main Differences 14
    1.3. Problems of Translation of Popular Jokes 20
    Summary of Results 28
    Chapter 2. Peculiarities of English Popular Jokes in Comparison with Russian 29
    2.1. Structure of English Popular Jokes 29
    2.2. Lexical Peculiarities of English Popular Jokes 35
    2.3. Grammatical Peculiarities of English Popular Jokes 42
    2.4. Stylistic Features of Popular Jokes 47
    Summary of Results 52
    Chapter 3. Analysis of Translation of English Popular Jokes into the Russian Language (Lexical, Stylistic and Cultural Aspects) 53
    3.1. Means of Translation of Lexical Features of English Popular Jokes 53
    3.2. Stylistic Means of English Popular Jokes and their Translation into Russian 58
    2.3. Cultural Incongruity in the Translation of Popular Jokes 64
    Summary of Results 76
    Conclusion 77
    References 79

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    Nowadays the attention of many linguists is directed towards the study of peculiarities of national humour in comparative aspect. It is known that humor of various countries is different. It is caused both by pure linguistic reasons (such as lexical, grammatical, phonetic and other differences of the two languages) and by extralinguistic reasons including differences in worldview in the two nations. There are also great linguistic and cultural differences of English speaking counties and Russian, in the national character of its people. According to such differences, the process of translation of English popular jokes into the Russian language seems to be very difficult. We can even say about the existence of untranslatability of popular jokes from one language into another.
    On the basis of foregoing, the topicality of the present paper consists in the following facts:
    - in the insufficient amount of researches in the sphere of comparative investigation of English and Russian popular jokes;
    - in the absence of a strict model of translation techniques used by transmission of English popular jokes into the Russian language.
    The aim of the present research is to analyze the peculiarities of translation of English popular jokes into the Russian language.
    The tasks of the present paper are the following:
    1. To study the notion of popular joke.
    Chapter 1. Popular Joke as a Form of Humour
    1.1. The Notion of Popular Joke

    The notion of popular joke cannot be called unambiguous in the English language. In order to characterize the problem of terminology, we will first of all study the Russian notion of the analyzed type of humour which is more defined in modern linguistics.
    Thus, in the Russian language the term “anekdot” (rus. анекдот) is used in order to nominate a short comic story which is characterized by its anonymity and traditionally spoken form. According to the Russian researcher S.G. Mikhejkina, the main characteristic of Russian “anekdot” is stereotypical change of interpretation [17: 23].
    As for foreign linguistics, here the Russian term for popular joke is defined as “a genre of urban folklore, a topical comical story-miniature with an unexpected ending, a kind of humorous parable” [33: 287].
    In some other languages the equivalent term to the Russian “anekdot” are not so stable.
    Thus, in French there are two similar terms: “historie” (fable) and “amusante historie” (amusing story). In German there is the term “Witz” which denotes not only “anekdot” in its direct meaning but any joke or funny utterance [3: 5].
    The English equivalent to the Russian “anekdot” is not unique.
    According to N.Z. Abdullina, one of the most frequent terms in the English language is “joke”. On the other hand, the word “joke” can denote any type of humorous texts [1: 88].
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