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Лингвистические особенности субстантивных словосочетаний в сфере делового дискурса

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    20.10.2018 г.
  • Объем работы:
    82 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Introduction 3
    Chapter 1. Main peculiarities of English collocations 8
    1.1. Definition of the notion “collocation” 8
    1.2. Characteristics of collocations 11
    1.3. Lexical functions of collocations: functional and cognitive approaches 14
    Chapter 2. Main types of collocations 17
    2.1. Structural classification 17
    2.2. Semantic classification 19
    2.3. Other classifications 20
    Chapter 3. Business discourse: definition and peculiarities 23
    3.1. Definition of the notion “business discourse” 23
    3.2. Lexical peculiarities of business discourse 27
    Chapter 4. Analysis of nominal collocations in business discourse (based on the English magazine “The Economist”) 34
    4.1 Terminological and nonterminological nominal collocations 36
    4.2. Analysis of collocation-forming paradigms 40
    4.3 Classification of nominal collocations according to base words and modifiers 49
    4.4 Direct and figurative meaning of the collocations’ components 63
    Conclusion 73
    References 78
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    The present paper is devoted to the research of the linguistic peculiarities of nominal collocations in business discourse. The problem of collocations and their usage in different types of discourse is today of great importance. The increased interest towards this theme is stipulated by several factors.
    First of all, business discourse seems to be a unique type of human communication which operates not only purely business language units but also other types of word combinations known as scientific, economical, technical, political, financial and others. Consequently, the thematic and functional range of collocations used in business discourse is very wide.
    As for collocations, this language phenomenon is relatively new in linguistics. Despite the active investigation of these language items by multiply researchers, there is not still any strict term for collocation or any unique definition of this phenomenon. Therefore, there exist a great problem in defining and referring of collocation in the system of English language means.
    In the modern linguistics collocations are viewed in different aspects. The scientists try to reveal their specific features in different types of discourses (including business discourse researched in the present paper). As a result modern linguists suggest a lot of distinctive features of collocations and multiply classifications based on different criteria of collocations’ investigation.
    Moreover, the research of business discourse is very difficult today due to the absence of unique methods of its analysis in business linguistics. Consequently, the usage of nominal collocations in business discourse is not systematized as yet.
    According to the said above, the topicality of the present research is stipulated by the following factors:
    Chapter 1. Main peculiarities of English collocations
    1.1. Definition of the notion “collocation”

    It is generally known that people communicate not in separate words, but in set phrases. Consequently, there is a crucial need to research different forms and structures of set phrases in the English language. Moreover, set phrases, or phrasemes, are characterized by their non-compositionality. In other words, they cannot be constructed according to the usual language rules from separate lexical units. Indeed they are stored in the language and used as a whole.
    The dominant part of phrasemes (set phrases) is collocations. That is why it is very important to investigate their features in the English language.
    It must be emphasized that the notion “collocation” is not the only one which can denote word combinations analyzed in the present paper. According to A.P. Cowie, instead of the term “collocation” the researchers use other synonymous or non-synonymous terms such as “fixed phrases”, “frozen phrases”, “idiomatic expressions”, “word combinations”, “idioms”, etc. [12, p. 23].
    In the present paper we will use the term “collocation” following the most prominent researchers of this type of word combinations in the English language.
    The term “collocation” was first introduced by the famous English linguist and the leading figure in British linguistics in the XX century J.R. Firth. His citation is still used in the researches of collocations. Let us cite it: “You shall know a word by the company it keeps” [27, p. 94].
    From the point of view of J.R. Firth, collocation constitutes a part of the meaning, and the other part of it is introduced by the context of situation. He said: “Meaning by collocation is an abstraction at the syntagmatic level and is not directly concerned with the conceptual or idea approach to the meaning of words. One of the meanings of night is its collocability with dark, and, of dark, of course, collocation with night” [28, p. 15].
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