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Language Techniques of Public Opinion Manipulation in speeches of US Presidential Candidates

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    61 стр.
  • Содержание:
    Tables of Contents

    Introduction 3
    Chapter I Language Peculiarities of Political Texts 6
    1.1 Political Text and Its Types 6
    1.1.1 Notion of Political Communication 6
    1.1.2 Classification of Political Texts 10
    1.2 Language Peculiarities of Political Texts 15
    1.3 Public Opinion Manipulation as the Main Function of Speeches of Presidential Candidates 20
    Summary of Results 26
    Chapter II Techniques of Public Opinion Manipulation in Political Texts (on the material of speeches of US Presidential Candidates) 28
    2.1 Language Techniques of Manipulation in Speeches of Presidential Candidates 28
    2.1.1 Language Techniques of Manipulation in Speeches of Donald Trump 28
    2.1.2 Language Techniques of Manipulation in Speeches of Hilary Clinton 40
    2.2 Comparative Analysis of Language Techniques of Manipulation in Speeches of Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton 49
    Summary of Results 54
    Conclusion 55
    References 57
  • Выдержка из работы:

    Public opinion manipulation is one of the means of supremacy and persuasion of people with the help of influencing on their will and behavior. This influencing is directed to the psychological structures of people. The main task of manipulation is changing of people’s opinion, motivating them to follow the needed direction.
    At the very beginning of the presidential career, a political candidate must take case of the preservation of his own positive image in the eyes of the potential voters. His image is made during the presidential campaign with the help of different means of public opinion manipulation. Besides the psychological means of manipulation in the political discourse, there is also a lot of language means of public opinion manipulation frequently used in the modern political discourse. But nowadays these language manipulative means are not fully investigated, especially in the discourse of pre-election campaigns of the presidential candidates.
    In accordance with the stated above, the topicality of the present research consists in the necessity of systematization of theoretical and practical material on the means of public opinion manipulation in the language sphere.
    The topicality of the research defines the aim and the tasks of the present work.
    The aim of the research is the analysis of language techniques of public opinion manipulation in the speeches of US presidential candidates.
    The tasks of the research are the following:
    Chapter I Language Peculiarities of Political Texts
    1.1 Political Text and Its Types
    1.1.1 Notion of Political Communication

    Politics is a peculiar type of human activities directed to the struggle for power and authority. The driving force of this struggle is the intention of people to change their status in the society and to spread the spheres of their influence. Political activity has always been connected with the definite risk sharing portion because the main result of political activity (particularly, of the presidential elections) does not always coincide with the predictable results.
    The democratization of the modern social life and integration of politics into different spheres of people’s life have stipulated the increased interest towards the language of political communication.
    The term “political communication” cannot be called unambiguous. In the modern science the content of political communication is very broad. In accordance with this fact this term is also called as “political rhetoric”, “political language”, “political linguistics”, “public relations and politics”, “political decision making”, etc. All of these terms are located in the variety of different academic departments, such as mass communication, public relations, journalism, politology, sociology, linguistics, and many others [33, p. 211].
    The ambiguity of the terms “political communication” can be confirmed also by the great variety of scientific disciplines which concern the notion of political communication. For example, J. Flowerdew cites the following scientific branches which study the cooperation of language and politics: political science, publicism, sociology, economics, psychology, anthropology, sphere of education, linguistics, of course, and many others [27, p. 323].
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