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Stylistic Specifics of Jan Martel’s Novel Life of Pi

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    30.01.2019 г.
  • Объем работы:
    71 стр.
  • Содержание:
    1.1 Notion of Stylistic Features 6
    1.2 Stylistic Devices and Their Functions in Bellas-letters Style 12
    1.3 Summary of Results 20
    2.1 Stylistic Features and Functions in Landscape Descriptions 23
    2.1.1 Lexical Features 23
    2.1.2 Syntactic Features 27
    2.1.3 Phonetic Features 30
    2.2 Stylistic Features in the Characters’ Speech 32
    2.2.1 Lexical Features 33
    2.2.2 Syntactic Features 35
    2.2.3 Phonetic Features 36
    2.3 Frequency Analysis 39
    2.4 Results and Discussion 43
    3.1 Practical Application of Lexical, Syntactic and Phonetic Features of Jan Martel’s Style in Stylistics 45
    3.2 Practical Application of Lexical, Syntactic and Phonetic Features of Jan Martel’s Novels in the Field of Education 52
    3.3 Practical Application of Stylistic Specifics of Jan Martel’s Novels in Translating……........29
    3.4 Results and Recommendations 61
  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Stylistic Specifics of Jan Martel’s Novel Life of Pi
    The genre of adventure is very popular in modern English Literature today. It comes under the thorough review in different scientific fields such as theory and history of Literature, Linguistics and its branches including Stylistics.
    The genre of adventure can be applied to the novel “Life of Pi” the author of which is Canadian-born writer Jan Martel. This novel is today a very popular field of research because this novel brought the author a Booker prize in 2002, it was sold in a large circulation and got film adaptation favourite in different countries of the world.
    The peculiar style of the novel “Life of Pi” is under the influence of its plot. Throughout the novel, a common idea presented is the idea of a high power watching over and being near to everyone. “Love of God” theme flows fluently into the theme of belief in oneself...
    The presence of stylistic features in every text or speech is stipulated by the fact that stylistic devices are characterized by the bright figurativeness, syntagmatic ambiguity and semantic intension. Accordingly, syntactic features of a text are of great importance in different functional styles of the language, especially in the belles-lettres style. In fiction stylistic devices are considered to be the main component of a text according to the main stylistic function of the language in this functional style. That is why stylistic devices are investigated by many linguists such as G. Watson [50], C.B. Riveland [50], E.K. Moore [43], E. Kisak [31], C. Myers-Scotton [44], M. Kronegger [32] and many others.
    It is known that there are six main functions of a language: 1) referential function which is oriented towards the context and is seen as a denotative, cognitive function; 2) emotive function (or expressive function) which focuses on the addresser; 3) conative function which is an orientation towards addressee; 4) phatic function which sets for contact; 5) metalingual function which is used whenever the addresser and the addressee need to check whether they use the same code; 6) poetic function (or stylistic function) which is orientation toward message and the focus on the message for its own sake [35]...
    In this study we first of all revealed the operational notion of stylistic features: stylistic features consisting of stylistic devices and expressive means are representatives of stylistic function of the language and of the categories of expressiveness and emotiveness.
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