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Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Проблема перевода экономической лексики в художественном тексте на примере произведения Артура Хейли "Менялы"
Глава 2. Перевод экономической лексики в художественном тексте (на материале романа А. Хейли «The Moneychangers»)
2.1. Функционирование экономической лексики в романе А. Хейли «The Moneychangers»
Для проведения исследования перевода экономической лексики в художественном тексте, нами выбрано произведение А. Хейли «The Moneychangers». Выбор данного художественного произведения обоснован, прежде всего, экономической тематикой романа. Следовательно, в нем можно обнаружить большое количество экономической лексики. Для анализа перевода экономической лексики в художественном произведении нами взят перевод романа А. Хейли «The Moneychangers», осуществленный Н. Изосимовой.
Нами исследовано 50% текста романа. Отрывки с наибольшей плотностью экономической лексики приведем в данной главе.
Отрывок №1 включает в себя 450 лексических единиц, из которых экономическая лексика составляет 4%. Отрывок приведем в таблице.
Таб.1. Отрывок №1.
The use of first names came easily to Heyward. He was old family himself, knew his way around most of the power bases in the state, and was a member in good standing of what the British call the old boy network. His personal connections extended far beyond state boundaries, to Washington and elsewhere. Heyward was proud of his social status and friendships in high places. He also liked to remind people of his own direct descent from one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence.
Now he suggested, "Another reason for keeping board members informed is that this sad news about Ben is going to have tremendous impact. And it will travel quickly."
"No doubt of it," the Honorable Harold concurred. "Chances are, by tomorrow, the press will have heard and will be asking questions."
"Exactly. And the wrong kind of publicity could make depositors uneasy as well as depress the price of our stock." "Um."
Roscoe Heyward could sense wheels turning in his fellow director's mind. The Austin Family Trust, which the Honorable Harold represented, held a big block of FMA shares.
Heyward prompted, "Of course, if the board takes energetic action to reassure shareholders and depositors, also the public generally, the entire effect could be negligible."
"Except for the friends of Ben Rosselli," Harold Austin reminded him drily.
"I was speaking entirely outside the framework of personal loss. My grief, I assure you, is as profound as anyone's." "Just what do you have in mind, Roscoe?"
"In general, Harold a continuity of authority. Specifically, there should be no vacancy in the office of chief executive, even for a day." Heyward continued, "With the greatest of respect to Ben, and notwithstanding all our deep affection for him, this bank has been regarded for too long as a one man institution. Of course, it hasn't been that way for many years; no bank can achieve a place among the nation's top twenty and still be individually run. But there are those, outside, who think it is. That's why, sad as this time is, the directors have an opportunity to act to dissipate that legend."
Heyward sensed the other man thinking cagily before answering. He could visualize Austin too, a handsome, aging playboy type, flamboyant dresser and with styled and flowing iron gray hair. Probably, as usual, he was smoking a large cigar. Yet the Honorable Harold was nobody's fool and had a reputation as a shrewd, successful businessman. At length he declared, "I think your point about continuity is valid. And I agree with you that Ben Rosselli's successor needs to be decided on, and probably his name announced before Ben's death." Heyward listened intently as the other went on.
Отрывок №2 включает в себя 365 слов. Процентное соотношение экономической лексики, присутствующей в данном отрывке – 5,5%. Отрывок приведем в таблице.