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Oral translation from English into Russian (2 глава)

  • Номер работы:
  • Раздел:
  • Год добавления:
    28.02.2017 г.
  • Объем работы:
    26 стр.
  • Содержание:
    2. Specifics of the translation of feature films 2
    2.1. Extra linguistic features of translation of feature films 2
    2.2. Translation strategy of dialogue film 5
    2.3. General gaps and mistakes in translating English films into Russian 5
    Literature 23
  • Выдержка из работы:
    Некоторые тезисы из работы по теме Oral translation from English into Russian (2 глава)
    2. Specifics of the translation of feature films

    2.1. Extra linguistic features of translation of feature films

    Film, is a kind of multimedia, both a visual medium and an aural one. In general translation, the readers see it with their eyes, but read it in mind. They get messages only by a visual channel. The audience of film watch what characters are doing and hear what they are talking about, messages reach the audience through visual and acoustic channels.
    Obviously, fascination of dubbed film lies in harmonious cooperation between visual and acoustic channels, which demands the target language should cope with the original images in the film as naturally as possible.
    What’s more, films and TV plays are supposed to act directly on the sense of sight of the audience, not on the sense of hearing. As Martin points out, “Picture is the basic element of the language of film.” “However… it is normal and unquestionable that in the film utterance forms a constituent element of the reality and play a fundamental role in achieving realism… In fact, utterance is a component of the visual picture and therefore, it is subject to the movement of the pictures.”(Martin, 1977, p. 149)
    We can notice that the translation of utterance should be synchronized with the settings of the scenes, the identity of the characters, their movements, gestures, facial expressions, pauses and lip movements; in that pictures transfer the major part of the messages and pictures play the much more important role.
    "Film translation" has also been called "screen translation". But the term "screen translation" emphasizes the channel of the medium where the translation product appears, namely the TV, cinema, or video screen; while "film translation" emphasizes the dimensions of the communicative mode. Unlike communication through books, radios, telephones, or sign language, film communication implies that both the acoustic channel through air vibrations and the visual channel through light waves are simultaneously utilized. It stresses the need to accommodation in the process of translation the requirements of both these channels.
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